Safeguarding for Private and Online Tutoring
Trustworthy & Dependable Personal Tutors
Every UK Tutor Doctor office adheres to its own clear and strict standards regarding the safety of pupils. Home tutoring requires a great deal of trust on the behalf of clients’ trust that each UK Tutor Doctor office and each Education Consultant strives to earn with every policy, procedure, and tutoring session. This Safeguarding approach helps reassure our clients that their children are in safe and trustworthy hands.
Safety policies generally include:
- Strict recruitment standards
- Suitability and background checks for all staff
- Mandatory up-to-date DBS checks for every tutor
- Training tutors to abide by a clear code of conduct
- Procedures to monitor and report cases of suspected inappropriate behaviour
- Safe environments founded on the expertise of Education Consultants
To join the team at Tutor Doctor, each tutor and administrator must adhere to policies regarding the safety and security of our pupils. Each child’s well-being, academically as well as mentally, physically, and emotionally, is the responsibility of Education Consultants for the duration of each session.
Please refer to your local office for their Safeguarding policy.