Meet Our Team
Tutor Doctor Tutor Doctor Lancaster Morecambe
Olivia Simpson
Owner/Educational Consultant
Olivia is the owner of Tutor Doctor Lancaster. With a background of education as a fully qualified teacher and has a BA Hons degree in education with QTS.
She has had a very busy teaching career, starting off in England as a full time class teacher. Then a desire to learn and understand Education, children and how they learn across the globe from China to the world of cruse ships,
continuing to teach and educate. The most amazing opportunity to learn about education from different cultures. All of this broadened her teaching philosophy, which has shaped and moulded her techniques on educating young people.
Olivia currently oversees every aspect of Tutor Doctor from recruiting ,vetting tutors, to consulting families and engaging with the students’. Importantly for parents a constant monitoring of progression throughout their tutoring sessions.
Olivia is a true educationalist and a life long learner.
When she has time Olivia enjoys the theatre both on and off stage. Performing in many musical productions and even Panto ( oh yes she has ).
It’s all jazz hands and stationery when Olivia is involved!

Paul Simpson
Educational Consultant
Paul is one of our Educational consultants and he brings with him many years of experience from a commercial background of teaching, coaching and mentoring in both business and schools.
His experience and ability to listen carefully to the needs and requirements of our students and families, give him the knowledge to understand and interpret the needs of each individual.
With this understanding Paul knows the best Tutors to match you with so that there is an Improvement in Academics and Attitudes:
A well matched Tutor will prepare your child for tests and exams. What this means is your child’s grades and understanding of the subject will significantly improve when working with a correct Tutor and this is where Paul has the best skills.
When he has time for himself, he enjoys family time, running (very slowly ), music, and he is a keen cook.