Special Tutoring Programmes
Personalised Private Tuition for All Types of Learners
At Tutor Doctor, we offer an array of special tutoring programmes – ranging from homeschool support, special/exceptional needs tutoring, executive skills academic coaching and group tutoring.
Homeschool Tutoring
If you’re seeking educational support for your homeschooled student, Tutor Doctor can help. We’ll build a customised education plan around the needs and goals of your family and student. Click below to learn more!
Special/Exceptional Needs Tutoring
At Tutor Doctor, we know exceptional students can succeed given the right tools and personalised attention – which is exactly what our tuition programme aims to provide. Click below to learn more about how we can support your special educational needs student.
X-Skills Academic Coaching
Does your child have trouble staying on top of assignments? Can’t seem to get your teen to concentrate on homework or projects? If your student lacks executive skills, it could result in forgotten homework, lack of revision for exams, and an inability to prioritise important tasks. The solution? Our X-Skills Academic Coaching Programme!
Group Tutoring
Our Small Group Tutoring services provide a safe and structured environment for learning to support your child – whatever their school environment may look like.
Summer Learning
Our uniquely holistic summer learning programme is tailored specifically to your child’s needs – ensuring they have the knowledge they need to hit the ground running the following academic year.
Call us at 0800 011 9729 to learn more about how we can support your student with our customised tuition near you!