Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Maths, Non-Verbal Reasoning – Week 12


Don’t trawl through the web looking for 11+ resources. I have already done it, and shared them here. There are also some exclusive Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Maths, non-Verbal Reasoning Materials.

Verbal Reasoning

Multiple Meanings


Practice Questions:

Underline the word that is a synonym for the words in both sets of brackets



More on verbs






Non-Verbal Reasoning


Take it one part at a time:

Step 1


Eliminate as many as you can. What you can eliminate here, you can also eliminate below, as they connect together.

Step 2


Eliminate as many more as you can.

Step 3

Now refer back to the red box (where they shapes have been put back together).

You have the answer.


Clue: the outer shape swaps with an inner shape.



Step 1

Outer shapes of red box above


Eliminate as many as you can. (You can eliminate the same letters below.)

Step 2(inner shapes of red box above)


Step 3

Refer back to the red box, put step 1 and step 2 together

Step 4

However, you are still left with two, so there is one more step.


Tip: small outer shapes go inside the big shape. Note the change of colours.




We measure time from tiny units like milliseconds to huge units such as centuries. These are the time units… from smallest to largest.


You need to memorise the above rhyme as it is highly likely there will be a question on the 11+ where you will need to know which months have 30 days, which have 31, and which one has 28 or 29. (The first part of the rhyme is the most important.)

Using this rhyme, do the months add up to 365? Why don’t you check for me?

How many days is that?

How many hours?



Easy level time.

Before we start, look at the clockface below. Remember that the small hand points to the hour and the big hand points to the minutes. (When the big hand is at 12, it is exactly on the hour, so no minutes past.)


Get an anologue clock and digital clock. Leave them side-by-side in your house and look at them randomly and work out the time. Get someone to play a game with you: What’s the time _____? (Insert your name here.)


Medium level time.


Do all three levels, and use a timeline.

Here’s a game.


The 24-hour clock.

We didn’t always use the 24-hour clock in Britain. Until World War 11 we counted up to 12 in the middle of the day, (midday,) then started again at 1 and went up to 12 (midnight). This is called analogue time, and that is why round clock faces only go up to 12, twice.

The 24-hour clock goes on from 12, to 13, 14 and so on until 24:00 in the middle of the night, also called midnight.

Midnight can be called 00:00 or 24:00. They are the same thing.

In 24-hour time the day ends at 23:59.

What does your 24-hour clock at home do at midnight?


We have not ‘decimalised’ time; even though we have digital clocks, we have not made time into units of ten. You must remember this when converting between 12-hour and 24-hour time. We still measure hours in units of 12 and 24.

Converting between the 12-hour clock and the 24-hour clock is not only for the 11+, but for life.


(not tablet friendly)

Maths Practice Questions

  1. Mr Brown spent two-and-a-half hours painting his fence. If he started at 11am, what time did he finish? Write your answer in the 24-hour clock.
  2. What time did he finish if he took an hour off to have something to eat?
  3. Mrs Brown spent one hour 55 minutes painting the rest of the fence. If she started at 4.05, what time did she finish? Write your answer in the 12-hour and the 24-hour clock.
  4. And the 24-hour clock.
  5. How long did they both spend painting the fence (without breaks)?
  6. How long did they both spend painting the fence in total, (with breaks)?
  7. Billy and Bob finish after-school club at 5:15. If school finishes at 3:45, how long have they spent at the club?
  8. Twins Mary and Molly had to get to school for 8:45. If it takes them 15 minutes to walk to school, and half-an-hour to get ready for school, what time do they need to wake up?
  9. Sindy is going to kickboxing practice. It starts at 5:50 pm. If it takes her ten minutes to get there, and she wants to get there half-an-hour the session starts so that she can chat to her friends first, what is the latest time she can leave the house?
  10. Ben’s cake is going to take 40 minutes to bake and 15 minutes to cool down. If it is going to take him 20 minutes to prepare all the ingredients, what is the latest time Ben should can start preparing the ingredients if the cake needs to be ready to eat at 6:05?




A Very Brief History of Time

The Ancient Egyptians invented the 24-hour day based on the movement of the stars in 3,500 BC (approximately). The Egyptians noticed that the shadows cast by stone obelisks (giant stone needles) moved gradually as the sun rose and fell and could be used to tell the time. However this only worked during the daytime.


Thankfully, more accurate clocks were invented before we all had to meet at the same time. But some confusion about how to measure time remained. For example, when should the day begin? When the sun goes down? When the sun comes up? Or somewhere in-between?


In 1884 an American, Lewis Rutherfurd proposed that “the universal day,” was to begin all over the world at the moment of midnight locally. He also proposed that we would stick with the 24-hour day, starting from zero at midnight, and then go up to twenty-four hours.

Italy was one of the first countries to adopt 24-hour time nationally in 1893. Other European countries followed: France adopted it in 1912 (the French army in 1909), followed by Denmark (1916), and Greece (1917). By 1920, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Switzerland had switched, followed by Turkey (1925), and Germany (1927).

The British Navy began using the 24-hour clock during World War 1 in 1915, and the British Army switched officially in 1918.

In 1920, the US navy was the first US organization to adopt the system, and the US Army adopted it on during World War 11 in 1942.

The use of the 24-hour clock is still sometimes called ‘military time’ for that reason.

Americans still don’t use the 24-hour clock outside of the military.

In Britain, the use of the 24-hour clock in daily life has spread beyond the military, although attempts to make the system more widespread have failed. In 1934, the BBC switched to the 24-hour clock for broadcast announcements and programme listings but the British listeners didn’t like it. British listeners were as stubborn as a stopped watch, and the BBC went back to using the 12-hour clock after a few months and it has stayed that way ever since.

Other organisations like British Rail, Transport for London, and British airlines all successfully switched to 24-hour time.

But many organisations in this country continue to use the 12-hour clock, so it is best to know both time-formats and how to convert between them.

It has been known to cause confusion. One young couple turned up for a flight scheduled at 09:00 in the morning at 9:00 in the evening, only to be told the flight had taken off 12 hours earlier. Doh!



1. How long ago did the Egyptians invent the 24-hour time system?

a) approximately 3, 500

b) approximately 2018

c) approximately 5,000

d) approximately 24,000

2. Why couldn’t the Egyptians use shadows to tell the time at night?

a) They were too tired at night

b) They were asleep at night

c) They needed sunlight to cast the shadows

d) They preferred to use their watches

3. What does the ‘universal day? begin’

a) Midnight all over the universe

b) Midnight over the world

c) Midnight where you live

d) Midday where you live

4. When did Lewis Rutherfurd make his proposal about the universal day?

a) 18th century

b) 19th century

c) 20th century

d) 21st century

5. What is the 24-hour clock also sometimes known as?

a) analogue

b) military time

c) Egyptian time

d) clock of the day

6. Why do we use the both 12-hour and the 24-hour clocks in Britain?

a) The English was 12-hour time and the Scots want 24-hour time.

b) some organisations use the 24-hour clock, some don’t

c) we can’t make our minds up

d) to make time-travel possible

7. Do you think the BBC will switch to 24-hour time in the near future?

a) Yes, because it is more modern

b) Unlikely, because they already tried it and it was not popular

c) Yes, because it will help people more

d) No, because they have better things to think of.

8. Why might the 24-hour clock be better for timetables?

a) There is less confusion between a.m. and p.m.

b) It is good for people to practice their maths

c) It looks nicer on the timetables

d) It helps support the military

9. When was the 24-hour clock first adopted all over France?

a) 912

b) 1909

c) 1945

d) 1914

10. Which is the most accurate method of telling the time?

a) they are all equally accurate

b) 24-hour time

c) 12-hour time

d) the 12-hour and the 24-hour way are equally accurate

11. According to the information in the passage, which country was the third to use the 24-hour clock in any way?

a) France

b) Britain

c) Denmark

d) Rome

12. What word could replace the word ‘proposed;’ in paragraph

a) suggested

b) asked to marry

c) showed off

d) offered

13. What word could be used instead of the word ‘adopted?’

a) chose

b) borrowed

c) took care of

d) stole

14. Which is a proper noun?

a) Clockwork

b) Portugal

c) I

d) obelisk

15. Which word is a verb?

a) useful

b) had

c) obelisk

d) hour

16. Which word is an adverb?

a) quickly

b) stone

c) giant

d) local

17. What word best describes this article?

a) biased

b) factual

c) fictional

d) poetic

18. Which literary technique is used in ‘stubborn as a stopped.’

a) cliché

b) metaphor

c) personification

d) alliteration

19. Find me a simile from the passage

a) like the Greenwich clock

b) stubborn as a stopped watch

c) spread beyond the military

d) like clockwork.


Next Week


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