How One-to-One Tutoring Can Help Your Child Prepare for the 11 Plus Exam

Preparing your child for the 11 Plus exam can be tricky, especially as the preparation needs to be completed alongside their usual academic workload. With entrance exams consisting of specific Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning papers, the questions are varied and need a slightly different set of skills and vocabulary from what they’ll be taught at school. However, making time and finding the resources for this period of long-term studying can be overwhelming for parents and children, which is why one-to-one tutoring is an essential tool for everyone. Not only will it be one of the most beneficial ways for your child to prepare for the tests, it will give you piece of mind too. Here’s some ways tutoring can help.

What do I need to know about the 11 Plus exam?

The exam will cover Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning in order to fully assess your child’s academic skills. Tests also evaluate a student’s ability to manage their time.

How much tutoring time will my child need to prepare for the 11 Plus exam?

11 Plus exams usually take place in the Autumn, meaning Year 5 will be the best time to start preparing. A slow and steady approach over a longer period of time can work, or studying in the last few months before the test- it just depends on what works best for your child. An hour or two a week should be plenty, however, we suggest talking to your tutor and seeing what they recommend. It’s also important to be realistic about how much time your child can dedicate each week without feeling overwhelmed.

How one-to-one tutoring can help

It creates a regular study routine

Having a one-to-one tutor every week ensures your child is gradually preparing for the 11 Plus exam but on a regular basis. It also makes sure they’re building up their skills and knowledge without being overwhelmed and away from distractions.

Tailored to suit their learning style

Every child learns slightly differently and at Tutor Doctor we are able to tailor all of our one-to-one sessions to suit your child. Depending on their learning style and academic level we can alter each session to make sure your child gets the most out of it, but also enjoys the learning experience.

Useful exam preparation

The 11 Plus exam is probably the first time your child has concentrated for a long period of time under test conditions, which will be daunting as they won’t have prepared for this in school yet. With the help of a one-to-one tutor, your child can sit realistic practice tests, meaning when it comes to the real thing they won’t feel as anxious and be able to approach the test calmly. Tutors will also be able to give your child tips and tricks on how to tackle the exam itself and offer advice on the most effective way to work through the paper.

Great 11 Plus knowledge

It can be tricky for parents to find out all the right and relevant information regarding the 11 Plus examinations. However, all tutors with Tutor Doctor are certified 11+ and common entrance tutors and are extensively trained in local education standards and expectations set by the Department of Education. They also have knowledge on some common types of questions students will be asked as well as the difficulty of the tests depending on the school. This knowledge will mean your tutor can tailor the tutoring to ensure your child is highly prepared for the specific test they’ll be undertaking.

Getting work completed

Children are much more likely to complete the work for their tutor than they would for their parents. Having regular one-to-one tutoring sessions will ensure your child is working towards their 11 Plus exam and also means you probably won’t have to ask them to do their preparation homework.

Increase confidence levels

Having a one-to-one tutor is guaranteed to make a huge difference to your child’s confidence levels in all aspects of their lives. Not only will their study skills improve but so will their overall performance, which will mean when the time comes for them to sit the 11 Plus exam, they’ll be confident in their ability and knowledge. This can make a huge difference when it comes to their performance and put them on the road to success.

For more information about our Tutor Doctor 11 Plus programme, click here.
