When Is The Best Time To Hire a Private Tutor?

The last year has been difficult for everyone, especially our children. When it comes to education they’ve not only had the regular pressures of doing well in their studies, they’ve also had to adapt to months of remote learning too. Alongside busy schedules and trying to fit in time for friends and family, it can be easy for kids to feel overwhelmed and start to fall behind. However, hiring a private tutor can help turn things around and can make a huge difference when it comes to your child’s education. In fact, one-to-one tutoring can help them catch up, achieve great results, build confidence levels and improve their skill set. If you’re not sure when’s the best time to consider hiring a tutor, we’ve put together some things you can keep an eye on.

Low Grades

If you’ve started to notice your child’s grades slipping or a teacher has contacted you in regards to your child’s lower than usual results, it might be a good time to consider hiring a private tutor. A tutor will be able to take the time to concentrate on the areas where your child needs to catch up the most and build up their knowledge and skills from there. Remember, if there is a particular subject area they’re struggling with, it’s important to pass this onto a tutor so they can tailor a plan accordingly.

Confusion And Procrastination

If you’ve started to notice your child is confused with the work they’ve been set, or are having trouble understanding the subject material, getting some extra one-to-one help can make a huge difference. You may even find that they’re procrastinating from completing their school work or just not doing it at all. Having a tutor can help them fill in any gaps in their learning and build skills to make homework or difficult concepts easier to understand.

Unable To Meet Deadlines

For secondary school students in particular, they’re expected to study more subjects and work to much stricter deadlines than they were probably used to in primary school. For this reason, it’s not unusual for secondary school students to struggle when it comes to keeping up with deadlines as well as staying on track in their school work and subjects. A private tutor could help improve your child’s study habits, help them build an easy-to-follow timetable and give them tips on how to increase self-motivation levels.

Low Self-Confidence

With children learning remotely on a stripped back schedule for many months, it’s likely many of them will have adapted to this new learning setting. This means starting school again may be daunting or scary for them resulting in a lack of confidence, especially when it comes to their performance and participation in a classroom. Hiring a private tutor can help them start to build up their self-confidence again, as well as the essential skills they need to succeed in school and life.


Even though a little bit of disorganisation is normal for anyone, if you’ve started to find that your child has unorganised study habits and isn’t able to manage their time properly, it’s most likely because they’re struggling or are feeling overwhelmed. Hiring a private tutor can have a positive impact on time management and organisational skills. In fact, even though tutors spend a lot of time teaching subject matter, they recognise that it’s also just as important that kids have the skill set to be successful even when they’re not being tutored anymore!

For more information on the tutoring programmes Tutor Doctor offers, click here.
