One-to-One Tutoring For Every Student

Tutoring Near You
Over 200,000 Students Successfully Tutored
At Tutor Doctor, our private tutors understand the importance of your child’s education.
Your student should have every advantage to stay competitive in today’s academic arena. Our in-home and online tutoring service evaluates every student to identify their needs and track their progress.
We understand that no two students are the same. Everyone learns with different styles and at their own pace. That is why our tutoring services are customised to your students’ needs.
Custom Tutoring Tailored To Your Needs
Our unique process will help your child build confidence and reach their academic goals. During a free consultation, we’ll learn about your goals and create a custom plan to achieve them. Then we match your student with the right private tutor based on academic need, interests and learning style. From there, the tutor tailors a programme to maximise your child’s improvement. Students can choose to work with an in home private tutor, or online tutoring sessions. We support your child and update you on their progress.
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Thinking Caps Can Be Tailored
Tutor Doctor provides tutoring services to students of all ages, levels and subjects. We come to your home, at a convenient time for you to help you or your child to fill in the gaps in his or her knowledge base.
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