Having a part-time job at university is a great way for students to earn a bit of extra money and gives you great life experience. Even though many students look for jobs in areas such as retail, restaurants or bars, becoming a tutor is a new route that you should consider. If you are generally bright and achieved good grades in all of your subjects or are an expert in one topic in particular, there’s plenty of opportunities to tutor students in college or in secondary school. Here’s some reasons why tutoring is one of the best part-time jobs for university students.
It’s great experience
Tutoring privately will without a doubt look amazing on your CV, especially if you’re able to build up a small student base. Being a tutor shows that you have the skills to write clear and concise instructions and teach concepts in a way that students can easily understand and apply. Tutoring also shows you have great initiative, communication skills and can easily adapt to a situation, which will impress prospective employers in the future.
It’s flexible
It can be tough to balance work with lectures, classes, assignments and exams- not to mention general life responsibilities and maintaining a social life. Tutoring means you can still focus on university as you have the ability to set your own hours and work on the days that fit best with your schedule.
Extra money
Generally, tutoring pays a lot better than other part-time jobs. Not only does it beat working for minimum wage at strange hours in a bar, it also gives you some extra money to support you during life at university.
Improving your own skills
Being a tutor is a great way to help you maintain and even improve your skills. Without necessarily realising it having to prepare yourself to properly instruct your student means you’ll have to prepare information, make sure it’s in a format that displays the key information as well as fully understand the subject ready for your students’ questions. All of this makes you better at skills such as organisation, research and time management not to mention it will be a constant test on your memory. You’re basically getting paid to study!
It’s rewarding
Being able to successfully teach a student something they retain, practice and eventually master can be extremely rewarding. You will also be in a unique position to have a positive impact on your students’ lives by helping them achieve better grades as well as build up skills that will stay with them for life, which is very gratifying in itself.