The Benefits of Starting Exam Revision Early

Even though exams seem like a few months away, the earlier you start your revision, the more prepared you will be. We all know how easy it is to put off revising, with busy school and social schedules taking priority and study time being put off until the last minute. However, starting early can be extremely beneficial and Tutor Doctor has seen the positive effects first hand. Not only are students generally less stressed and more prepared, but their exam grades are usually so much better than first expected.

What Are The Benefits of Starting Revision Early?

Time To Grasp Concepts

Starting early allows you time to really learn the material and understand it rather than just memorising information for the sake of the exam. Having this extra time will also mean you actually start to enjoy your study sessions as instead of panicking to remember everything, you can read and learn the context of the subject material in your own time. Not only will you have a changed attitude but you might not dread the thought of revision!

Improved Grades

When you start putting the time aside to revise topics and study well in advance of exams, you’re starting to put more effort into school too. We guarantee that you’ll notice your grades gradually improve as you get closer to your exams.

Less Stress

There really isn’t a better feeling for students than being prepared for upcoming exams, especially when you know how much work you’ve actually put in. Not only will cracking on with revision early mean much less stress and anxiety the week before the big day, but will also mean you head into your exams calm and with a clear state of mind.

Use Different Revision Techniques

Having time on your side means that you can explore a whole host of different revision techniques rather than just sticking to one that might not be working out so well. You might start by writing out your notes, then typing them up, as repetition can be an excellent and effective way to absorb information. If this isn’t working then colourful visual posters and mind maps containing key pieces of information is a fun way to learn. You can even put these posters up on your bedroom wall so they become a part of everyday life and get absorbed more deeply. For more information on all the different learning resources for different learning styles, check out useful our blog post here.

There’s No Need To Rush

Studying for exams early means that you get to take your time with revision and avoid last minute cramming or rushing through topics. Often when students do this, they find that they can’t remember very much in the exam or their mind goes blank because the information isn’t stored in their long-term memory. For information to be transferred into your long-term memory you need to repeat it over a longer period of time rather than quickly rushing through subjects.

There’s Time To Identify Weaker Subjects

Getting on with your revision in advance means that you can allocate the same amount of time to each subject, instead of leaning toward favourite topics and avoiding the trickiest. This also means that as you are going through each topic, you may identify some areas that you aren’t feeling very confident with or there might be a subject that you generally struggle in. Having excess time means you can go back over areas you’re finding particularly difficult and get some extra help if you think it will be beneficial.

Practice Past Exam Papers

Practice doesn’t make perfect, but it can certainly help when it comes to being prepared. The earlier you start revising, the more time you’ll have to complete practice papers from previous years and get used to the format. All too often students have great subject knowledge but their exam technique is lacking, which ends up affecting their final grade. There’s a whole load of practice papers available online to download and use, or teachers can provide tests from previous years. Our top tip is to make sure they’re completed under timed conditions.

For more exam and revision tips and techniques, check out some of our other helpful blog posts. We’ve got it all covered from dealing with exam anxiety to how to retain more information when revising.
