Routine for Kids – Why It’s Important to Maintain a Routine While at Home

With family life often being busy with lots going on, having a routine in place will certainly help everything run a lot smoother. In fact, a consistent routine at home will not only be beneficial to you, but will also be great for your kids too. Not only can it help them know what to expect when they’re at home, it can also make them feel safe and secure during uncertain or stressful times. Here’s some more reasons why maintaining a routine at home is so important for your children.

What Does A Family Routine Usually Involve?

Family routines usually involve the following:

  • Daily routines for work and school mornings including, waking up, bedtime, bath time, mealtimes and getting ready in the morning
  • Weekly routines for housework, such as washing, food shopping and cleaning
  • Time frames for play time, screen time, family time and playing outdoors

Why Are Routines So Important For Kids?

Builds Good Habits

Having a routine at home is excellent when it comes to helping your kids develop good habits. From brushing teeth regularly, completing homework every day after school to keeping bedrooms tidy- regular practice over time will make these simple habits become second nature. Children who build up these healthy habits will also be much more likely to have strong self-discipline when they enter adulthood.

Creates Boundaries

Routine is a great way to create boundaries and show your kids there are consequences to their behaviours and they can’t always do what they want, whenever they want. For example, simple boundaries could be your child can only have screen time after they have finished their homework, or can only have dessert after they’ve finished all their dinner. At home is often the easiest place to help your kids learn these long-term behaviours and routine will make the boundaries much easier to follow.

Strengthens Family Bonds

When your child starts to know what to expect from their regular routine, often they will notice and cherish regular family activities or time spent together. For example, eating breakfast together every morning or going on a family walk at the weekend are simple parts of a family routine, but are often special time spent together. In fact, by doing regular, mundane things together it can really help the whole family bond together and strengthen relationships.

Offers a Safe and Calm Home Environment

Not only does having a routine create a much calmer household environment, it also offers safety for your kids, especially during times of change or stress. This often means no matter what’s going on, your child can always rely on finding calmness, stability and love through an established routine at home.

Increases Life Skills and Responsibility
Having chores and other tasks to complete in a family routine helps children develop a sense of responsibility as well as teaches basic life skills such as time management, basic hygiene, self-control, self-care and confidence. It’s also great for their independence too, especially when kids become more able to complete parts of the family routine on their own or with less help.
