5 Tips to Help With Memorisation

When was the last time you needed to memorise something? Perhaps it was something as routine as a grocery list, or maybe something more complex like a sales pitch at work. 

As parents, we understand the importance of helping our children excel in their studies. One important skill that will serve them well throughout their learning journey is memorisation. Whether it’s mastering times tables, preparing for GCSE exams, or recalling dates in history, strong memorisation skills are so valuable.

In this article, we’ll take a look at five effective tips to help enhance your child’s memory and recall skills, and also explore how tutoring can be effective in boosting these skills. 

Add Structure to Their Study Routine

Encouraging your child to establish a solid study routine can work wonders when it comes to memorisation. One of the best ways to build structure is by allocating specific time slots each day for study and revision sessions.

If you can, provide a quiet, well-organised study space. Consistent habits like this will help the brain build memory pathways and reinforce the retention of information. 

Use Visual Aids Where Possible

Reading from a textbook is effective but when it comes to serious memorisation, visual aids can be so powerful. Encourage your child to experiment with mind maps, vision boards, graphs, and flashcards. 

Visualising information in this way can help the brain to grasp and remember details ready to recall at a later date. Colourful images also help to make the content more engaging. 

Incorporate Mnemonics

How do you remember the colours of the rainbow? Perhaps you use the mnemonics “ROYGBIV” or “Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain” to a rainbow’s spectrum of colours. 

Mnemonics are excellent memory aids that can turn abstract information into something more memorable. Encourage your child to create mnemonic phrases and acronyms to recall sequences or lists. For example, “PEMDAS” helps children to remember the order of operations in mathematics (Parentheses, Exponent, Multiplication, Division. Addition, Subtraction).

Master Active Learning Techniques

Active learning is a great way to boost memory retention. You could encourage your child to teach what they want to remember to somebody else or take practice quizzes. Interactive methods like this reinforce learning and enhance memory. 

Harness the Latest Technology

Including technology in the learning mix can make memorisation enjoyable. For example, interactive educational apps that incorporate gamification can turn learning and studying into a fun and engaging experience. 

How Tutoring Can Help Children Master Memory Skills

Tutoring offers invaluable support for children striving to improve their memorisation skills. Tutors are skilled in identifying your child’s strengths and weaknesses and tailoring lessons to their individual needs. They can provide targeted practice exercises, teach effective memory strategies, and offer guidance on time management and study techniques.

For GCSE students especially, tutoring can be a game-changer. Tutors with expertise in specific subjects can provide focused exam preparation, assist with revision schedules, and offer valuable insights into exam techniques and content mastery.

An Investment in Academic Success

Helping your child develop strong memorisation skills is an investment in their academic success. By following these five tips and considering the support of a qualified tutor, you can empower your child to become a confident learner who excels in retaining and applying knowledge. 

With the right guidance and techniques, they can tackle any academic challenge that comes their way. Find a local tutor today and discover what a difference tailored tutoring can make to your child’s recall skills. 
