Getting The Most Out Of School Parent’s Evening

So, you’ve navigated the school’s online booking system or sent a flurry of emails to book face-to-face meetings. It can only mean one thing; parent’s evening is looming. As the date approaches, you might find yourself switching between excitement about hearing good things about your child and concern about hearing any learning struggles.

But no matter what the outcome of a parent’s evening, it should always be considered a positive experience. In this article, we’ll explore how to get the best from your next parent’s evening and how to turn it into a springboard for your child’s success.

Preparing for the Meeting

Many parents go to their child’s parent’s evening without doing any preparation beforehand, and that’s fine! However, if you have any observations about your child’s progress or questions for the teacher, you might want to jot these down. Also, think about any changes at home that may be affecting their schoolwork. The more you can bring to the meeting the more productive the discussion will be.

Embrace Open Communication

Parent’s evening can be an emotional experience. Whether your child is in reception or their final year, it’s important to approach the meeting with an open mind. Whether the feedback is glowing or concerning, remember that your child’s teacher is an ally in their learning journey. Together, you can form a plan that has your child’s best interests, happiness and progress at its heart.


Crafting a Plan of Action

If the teacher raises concerns about your child’s progress, use this time to put together a plan of action. What specific areas need attention? Are there any strategies that the teacher recommends? This is also the perfect moment to set achievable goals. Remember, it isn’t the teacher’s intention for you to leave with a heavy heart but rather with a clear set of actionable ideas.

Include Your Child in Any Plans

It’s also important to speak to your child before and after parent’s evening to gauge how they are feeling about their progress. Involving them helps them to understand that you (and their teacher) are on their side and are taking an active role in helping them achieve their full potential. Involve them in any plans, whether that be getting them to read aloud more at home or looking into hiring a private tutor.

Be Sure to Follow-Up

After parent’s evening, follow up on the meeting. For example, if the teacher has suggested extra reading or comprehension exercises, ensure these are made part of your child’s routine. Stay in touch with the teacher to monitor progress. Remember, it’s a team effort and your child’s teacher will be so grateful for the support from home.

Enlist Extra Support If You Need To

If you’re feeling a little out of your depth following your parent’s evening meeting and not sure how to help your child progress, online or home tutoring can be invaluable. A tutor can offer tailored, one-on-one assistance that not only compliments classroom learning but which addresses specific challenges and any feedback received during the meeting.

Tutor Doctor: Your Partner Beyond Parent’s Evening

Parent’s evening may just be one night, but the feedback you receive can help shape the rest of the school year. At Tutor Doctor, we understand the importance of these meetings and we’re here to support you in any way that we can.

Our tutors are experienced in providing bespoke tuition that aligns perfectly with your child’s educational needs. Whether it’s strengthening their understanding of a particular subject or boosting their study skills, we craft our lessons to get the best results. Plus, we’re here for you after every parent’s evening and we’ll shape our services to suit the feedback received and goals set.

Ready to Turn Feedback into Success?

If parent’s evening has highlighted areas where your child could benefit from extra support, we can help. Find your nearest Tutor Doctor tutor today and let’s create a tailored learning plan that helps your child to reach their full potential.
